jueves, 3 de marzo de 2011

Cadáver Exquisito en Inglés (Enero de 2011)

Para quien no conoce de qué se trata, el "cadáver exquisito" es un juego que consiste en tomar una hoja de papel y comenzar a escribir una historia entre dos o más personas. Cada uno de los jugadores debe escribir un dos renglones y medio, aproximadamente; luego tapar lo escrito dando vuelta parte de la hoja, dejando a la vista sólo el último medio renglón, para que el jugador siguiente pueda continuar el relato sin conocer todo el contexto de lo narrado anteriormente, si no solamente una pequeña parte. Una vez terminada la hoja, se desenrolla toda, y uno de los participantes lee en voz alta la, por lo general, completamente incoherente historia!
Es un juego muy divertido, y ésta fue la primera vez que lo jugué en inglés! Lo cual lo hizo más divertido aún! =)
Esto fue porque la única participante mujer no habla castellano, y los otros dos participantes sí hablamos en inglés. He aquí el resultado:

This story takes place in a land where all the people talk backwards... One day, a regular-talking guy got there. He was at the entrance of that "DNAL"*(1)... / At first, he had NO idea what "DNAL" stands for. But then he realized: "Dragon Nose And Lung". He pulled out his sword, kicked open the wooden door, and ventured in. / There, he found a Rasta-Man, talking to an ant. Things might appear more edible than what they really are, he said. / They were starting to understand each other, but the talking backwards made their communication capability complicated... "I t'nod dnatsrednu uoy!"*(2), he kept saying... / "I want chicken", he yelled. In his family, chicken was the best pain killer for tattooing. / The ant believed in pain and took a needle, and tattooed Rasta-Man in four places while puking on his mouth... / Or was it his nose? The thing is that now they could talk fluently to each other, each one on his own way, understanding every word. / His mission became clear. He was to save the world from evil and bring light to everyone's soul... / That way, you'll save yourself from the Rasta-Man vibrations. The castle is far, the ocean y deep, if you want shrooms just lick my feet. / I know he was trying to upset me... But I actually liked the idea! What to do? Take advantage of the situation at the risk of looking ridiculous...? / Fearless people take risks, and Carlos needed to feel strong. Carlos lept forward, spread his arms, grabbed her and kissed her on the lips! / Only to realize she wasn't a princess... Just a hooker, a tramp, an ordinary girl... But luckily, Rasta-Man smoked a joint, and everything was fine. / Language bundries were not a problem anymore...

Por, en orden de aparición: Rodrigo Agustín Vulcano, Mailyn Phan y MI amigo personal Federico Agustín Varela.

*(1): "DNAL" = "LAND" escrito al revés.
*(2): "I t'nod dnatsrednu uoy!" = "I don't understand you!" con cada palabra escrita (dicha) al revés.

En realidad, hicimos dos... Pero la letra de MI amigo personal Federico Agustín Varela resulta incomprensible en el primero... Qué se le va a hacer... Cosas que pasan... =)

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